


The latest advances in remote sensing, GIS and cartography at hand

About us

COMPLUTIG (Complutum Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica SL) is a technology-based company at the University of Alcalá that offers advanced solutions in geomatics and cartographic products. COMPLUTIG builds-up on the technological transfer and know-how from UAH’s Department of Geology, Geography and Environment.

We have solutions for you and your company

Remote sensing

Acquisition, processing and analysis of remote sensing imagery for terrain analysis
and management.


Computer Technologies

Software development based on open source libraries.


Production of thematic and topographic maps, in both digital and print formats.
Design of thematic atlas and touristic cartography.

Environment and Rural Development

Design and assessment of projects and programmes for rural development.

GIS, Geographic Information Systems

Set of computer tools and geospatial databases for terrain analysis and its
cartographic depiction.


Capacity building

Development and building capacity in dedicated and customized courses in

Thanks to all those who

have trusted in us…



We have worked in several projects developing solutions tailored to our client’s needs.

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